pjmuck wrote:
fivebass52 wrote:
There's just a bit too much "mwah" in there for me... it would definitely be suited for playing in a jazz scenario, but for old-school blues, it doesn't come close to an upright, woody sound for me... years ago, I bought a Stagg EUB for $500, and it replicates that old blues sound I wanted... it's also a 3/4 scale neck, so on par with actual double basses... it just boils down to what you want to use it for, and the sound you're going after... the videos posted give an indication of its sounds/tones... I will say this though - carrying a 34" neck around is a lot easier than carrying my Stagg, which is 43-45"... and the case I bought for it is more like 5-feet total length...
I also own a converted Stagg, which I do like for more of an upright tone (though I don't feel it nails it closely either). I actually have a clip on mic when I use the Stagg and I blend it with the piezo amplified output, and that gets me much closer. I do like the Ibanez for it's own tone and the simpler portability.
I agree with you, in that the Stagg doesn't quite nail an upright sound, but I have a Walter Woods StereoCoustic, that has two separate inputs, so I'm able to EQ my P-bass in one channel, and the Stagg in the other. After that, it's all in the fingers... I also bought a Stagg bass stand, so I set it up on that, which keeps it ready to play depending on the song I'm playing...