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Author:  ch willie [ June 19th, 2020, 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Ric-O-Rooni

I've never had more than one bass amp until a few years ago. I've had my Ric 4001 since I bought it new in 1978. Forty-two years, and I've never tried the Rick-O-Sound.

I found the proper cable, and I tried it yesterday for the first time. I have two Fender Rumbles (40wt, 350wt).

The sound was amazing. The two Rumbles sound alike when they're at equal volume.

Today I'm going to try it with my Ampeg V4B and the Rumble 350--using different sounding amps is going to be fun.

Author:  bobjones2260 [ June 19th, 2020, 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ric-O-Rooni

Your right on the money the Stereo feature is amazing, I have several basses but when I use my Rick (1980) I use my regular bass amp for the bass pick up then my Roland KC 50 (small amp) for the Treble Pick Up.

A few times at live gigs with a sound guy they would run the bass pickup direct from the amp then Mic the treble Amp.

Here is a song a recorded a little while ago with the Ric that I really loved the sound (Ric was recorded in Stereo)


Again, a Ric will sound like a Ric, most people get a Ric and want it to sound like a Fender, however they should work to get Ric sound.

Author:  ch willie [ June 19th, 2020, 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ric-O-Rooni

Bob, the recording and the bass are fantastic, good singer too, and great song selection.

I've never wanted my Ric to sound like anything but a Ric. A few years ago, I was finally able to get a P and a J Bass. I love them: they do what the Ric can't, but the Ric is unique, and when a song calls for it, nothing else will do.

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