
American Professional Disappointment
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Author:  orcabassist [ March 16th, 2020, 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  American Professional Disappointment

I just wanted to share this and see if my case was pretty isolated.

I’ve been wanting a P-bass for a couple years now and finally decided to order the Am. Pro. When it came, I was so excited, but didn’t know how let down I was about to be.

The neck isn’t aligned in the pocket and there’s a big gap on the bass side. There’s also the bolt on crack in the finish near the neck pocket.

Either the pickguard or the body was so badly cut that you could see into the control cavity from the front of the bass.

The neck had uneven relief, with more on the treble side.

The tone knob had came loose during shipping and dented the body.

There was a black spot in the finish of the neck that couldn’t be removed.

I can usually look past a few things, the dent and black spot on the neck are no biggie, but on a $1,500 instrument I don’t really think the other things are acceptable. It’s obviously going back (to GC) and I might try my luck with one from Sweetwater this time.

Has anyone else had bad luck buying these Basses. It was a 2020 so it’s not like it had been sitting for a while and came straight from their warehouse.

I almost desperately want a P-bass, but my feet are a lot colder on picking up much of anything between that and my pretty rough experience with a custom order from G&L. Are there any stores that you really trust or brands (I’m not married to having a Fender P) that are more consistent? Am I asking for too much at this price?


Author:  Matt R. [ March 16th, 2020, 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: American Professional Disappointment

Lemons happen. It’s certainly not representative of the American Professional stuff though. Also it sounds like it took a spill in shipping maybe?

Author:  ch willie [ March 16th, 2020, 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: American Professional Disappointment

Man, you have had bad luck with that one. This is the only one I've heard of that came in that shape. I'm sorry, man.

My 2018 AmPro Precision is almost perfect in construction. Sounds fantastic too. I think it's representative of the AmPros.

Author:  orcabassist [ March 16th, 2020, 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: American Professional Disappointment

That makes me fee better. I’ll get one from Sweetwater and see how it is. I know GC doesn’t really inspect their instruments.

Author:  pjmuck [ March 16th, 2020, 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: American Professional Disappointment

I had one and sold it, none too impressed either. But most of my disappointment had less to do with inferior QC than the fact that I really disliked the neck profile (despite all the hype claiming a '63 neck is THE quintessential P neck profile everyone wants, yada, yada). Too chunky for me, further exasperated by a modern 9-1/2" radius fretboard. Either you give me a '63 neck or you don't, but don't go claiming it is when it isn't with that radius (Should have been 7-1/4"). Second, the fret work was mediocre. Frets felt sharp and unrounded on the edges. I could have filed them, but like you said, for $1500.00 the thing should play itself. And again, tall narrow frets are NOT consistent with a '63 neck! The PUPs were OK, clear note definition, but a bit scooped in the mids, and in comparison to my Am Std P, I much preferred the stock PUPs on that bass (I think they're '62 custom shops?).

In short, I love everything about my older Am Std P except the damn neck profile. Fender refuses to offer a P bass that doesn't have the modern profile, and I hate it. Bring back the B necks from the 70's and my search will end.

Author:  orcabassist [ March 19th, 2020, 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: American Professional Disappointment

The one from Sweetwater came yesterday and it’s a million times better. Everything is perfect except for a little warping on the pickguard, but that’s coming off anyways. I’m surprised to see that much difference, but it could have taken a shipping spill or have just been a dud, but now I just want to play it and get the new feeling off of it as quickly as possible.

Author:  ch willie [ March 19th, 2020, 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: American Professional Disappointment

orcabassist wrote:
The one from Sweetwater came yesterday and it’s a million times better. Everything is perfect except for a little warping on the pickguard, but that’s coming off anyways. I’m surprised to see that much difference, but it could have taken a shipping spill or have just been a dud, but now I just want to play it and get the new feeling off of it as quickly as possible.

The pickguard thing is unforgivable of Sweetwater and Fender, but I'm glad you'd planned on replacing it anyway and that you're happy with the bass. I'm in love with mine. Of all my basses, it's the most versatile and in a live situation is my go to.

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