
Please help me identifying my Precision CTS Pots
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Author:  Bootsy [ March 15th, 2020, 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Please help me identifying my Precision CTS Pots

I bought a 1977 Fender Precision Left handed bass.
The Serial is S7... so from 1977
The Pickups are also stamped with 77 at the end

But I wonder if the Pots are original.
They are coded: 013446 250 K A 990xx CTS

Unfortunately part of the number is under the solder.
But normally the 1977 Pots should start with 137yy.... and not with 990???
Any ideas?

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Author:  crescenze [ March 15th, 2020, 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please help me identifying my Precision CTS Pots

I'm not an expert on this, but you're right that those numbers are not what would be expected. The green cap is not period correct either at lease based on what I have seen. I've seen those on newer and import models. The solder job is pretty messy and not professionally done and the wires don't all seem to be a mismatch. Not the same type or gauge. Hope that helps. I'm sure others here will be able to clarify.

Author:  NoXX [ March 16th, 2020, 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Please help me identifying my Precision CTS Pots


I’m no expert either, but I did some digging and came across an article on CTS pots on a tele forum:

https://www.tdpri.com/threads/cts-pot-i ... ion.48877/

The snippet in the screenshot from this forum leads us to believe they are genuine CTS pots from Fender, but as you thought, likely not from the period of the rest of your bass- maybe 1999, if the newer code follows their example?

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