Here are my two lefty 5-strings.
This one was custom built with a local luthier about 20-years ago. it's a 32" scale with Bartolini pickups that I removed the active electronics for & just run passive. The body is mahogany with strips of white oak, and the neck is maple & walnut with an ebony fingerboard.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, I picked up this Brice from Rondo music earlier this year, as it was the only 30" scale left 5-string available without custom ordering something. It's also very cheap, at $401 shipped with a hard-shell case. It's not high-quality, but after a decent setup it plays nice. The tone isn't bad, but I don't care much for active electronics. I've considered upgrading the pickups to something passive, but I usually have enough fuzz that I don't really notice.