My P bass is a '73. Bought it about 10 years ago for $550 w case from Ludlow St. Guitars on (surprise) Ludlow St. in the east village, Manhattan.
I just wandered in looking for lefties and it was there, apparently hanging there forever, along with a left handed BC Rich green acrylic Warlock bass that I thought was too stupid and "metally" looking to bother acquiring (doh!). I've never seen another one. But anyway, the knucklehead who owned my P bass stripped the original SB finish off but didn't bother to remove the pick guard first, so the SB finish is still intact under the pick guard! The bass is beaten to hell, but I kinda love it for that reason. lol: ... cisionBass$550 with case? Now that's a great deal and I love the worn look! If they weren't made 2 years apart, your '73 and my '75 look almost like twins: