andrew wrote:
I think the American Design program in a great step in the right direction even if it isn't perfect at this time. I really hope it succeeds and eventually opens up to being available to non-U.S.A. customers too.
I'm pretty convinced at this point that it will never be perfect for anyone and Fender will pull the plug long before anyone gets to see any more choices at all.
I've read nothing but complaints about it since it's been implemented and it's really disheartening.
No ebony fingerboards, no figured wood tops, no matching headstocks, not enough colors, no relic finishes, you can't swap modern necks with classic bodies... this list goes on and on and on and fucking on.
Now... either Fender isn't doing a good enough job explaining that this ISN'T the Fender Custom Shop, or people are too stupid to get it... I'm not sure. Reading a lot of comments on TB and other Facebook groups, I'm becoming convinced that it's much more of the latter than it is the former.
In order to keep costs down and to not create an obvious conflict of interest with their Custom Shop, Fender could NEVER EVER possibly off EVERY single combination and option available. That would not only be cost prohibitive, but it would literally put their Custom Shop out of business.
I'm happier than shit right now... In less than 90 days I will have a couple of kickass Fender basses coming to me that are NOT available off the shelf to ANYONE and they're being made just for me. The experience so far has been very pleasant and personal with direct contact from representatives at Fender. My basses have a 30 day return policy and a limited lifetime warranty.
To me, all of that is EASILY worth a couple hundred bucks more than what I would pay for something that THOUSANDS of other people have bought from Musician's Friend.
I seriously could not be happier and I'm really glad I got in on it before it's gone.