(I wasn't sure if this should go here or in "Sights and Sounds"... but since it's more of an experiment than a "showcase" I thought it might fit here better)
I recently did an audio comparison of all of the basses I own playing the same exact tune (Duck Dunn's bassline for The Blues Bros' "She Caught the Katy"), through the same exact setup, at all the same levels, with some slight tweaks to the on-board settings on a couple basses, just to hear some differences.
There was NO EQ or compression or anything added in post... what you're hearing is the bass into an amp modeler set to "clean bass", and into my computer.
It came out pretty well, so I thought I'd share it with everyone!
https://soundcloud.com/addison_bass/set ... omparisonsIf you click on the link above, each track should play in order.
Here's the description for each track:
Track: 1
Bass: Fender "American Design Experience" Precision
Body: Alder
Neck: Maple
Fingerboard: Maple
Weight: 8.5 lbs
Pickups: Fender Custom Shop '62
Preamp: None
Controls: Volume and tone maxed
Strings: Fender Flatwounds, 45-60-80-100
Comments: FINALLY... a new lefty P-Bass with a maple board! Fender hasn't done this in over 30 years and this one is a winner. LOVE IT.
Track: 2
Bass: Fender "American Design Experience" Precision
Body: Alder
Neck: Maple
Fingerboard: Maple
Weight: 8.5 lbs
Pickups: Fender Custom Shop '62
Preamp: None
Controls: Volume maxed and tone at 50%
Strings: Fender Flatwounds, 45-60-80-100
Weight: 8.5 lbs
Comments: Same as above.
Track: 3
Bass: Fender "American Design Experience" Jazz Bass
Body: Ash
Neck: Maple
Fingerboard: Maple
Weight: 8.25 lbs
Pickups: Nordstrand NJ4SV (hum cancelling)
Preamp: None
Controls: Volumes and tone maxed
Strings: DR Sunbeams 45-105
Comments: Brand new bass.. LOVE it... totally impressed with what Fender is doing.
Track: 4
Bass: Fender "American Design Experience" Jazz Bass
Body: Ash
Neck: Maple
Fingerboard: Maple
Weight: 8.25 lbs
Pickups: Fender Custom Shop 60's
Preamp: None
Controls: Volumes and tone maxed
Strings: DR Sunbeams 45-105
Comments: Same as above
Track: 5
Bass: Fender "Custom Shop '64 NOS" Jazz Bass
Body: Alder
Neck: Maple
Fingerboard: Capped Rosewood
Weight: 9.5 lbs
Pickups: Nordstrand NJ4 Single Coils
Preamp: None
Controls: Volume and tone maxed
Strings: DR Sunbeams 45-105
Comments: This is the "ONE"... I would gig with it every day if the set lists I play didn't demand a 5-string so much.
Track: 6
Bass: Elrick Gold e-volution 5-string
Body: Ash with Holly top
Neck: Wenge
Fingerboard: Wenge
Weight: 8.5 lbs
Pickups: Aero Single Coils
Preamp: Bartolini NTMB
Controls: Volume maxed, EQ set flat
Strings: Elrick Steel 45-130
Comments: This is one of my main gigging basses, alternating with my Pedulla about 40% of the time.
Track: 7
Bass: Elrick Gold e-volution 5-string
Body: Ash with Holly top
Neck: Wenge
Fingerboard: Wenge
Weight: 8.5 lbs
Pickups: Aero Single Coils
Preamp: Bartolini NTMB
Controls: Volume maxed, Passive mode, EQ bypassed
Strings: Elrick Steel 45-130
Comments: Same as above.
Track: 8
Bass: Pedulla MVP 5
Body: Maple
Neck: Maple
Fingerboard: Ebony
Weight: 9.6 lbs
Pickups: Proprietary Bartolini PJ
Preamp: Proprietary Bartolini 2-band with mid-boost
Controls: Volume maxed, EQ set flat, mid switch off
Strings: DR Dragon Skin 45-125
Comments: This is my favorite bass to play live in my most active band.
Track: 9
Bass: Pedulla MVP 5
Body: Maple
Neck: Maple
Fingerboard: Ebony
Weight: 9.6 lbs
Pickups: Proprietary Bartolini PJ
Preamp: Proprietary Bartolini 2-band with mid-boost
Controls: Volume maxed, Bass set flat, mid switch off, 40% boost to treble
Strings: DR Dragon Skin 45-125
Comments: I was amazed by how much overall tonal change there was just by boosting the treble a little bit.
Track: 10
Bass: ZON Sonus BG5 (Billy Gould Signature)
Body: Poplar
Neck: Composite
Fingerboard: Phenowood
Weight: 9 lbs
Pickups: Proprietary Bartolini BG
Preamp: Bartolini NTMB
Controls: Volume maxed, EQ set flat
Strings: Elrick Nickel 45-130
Comments: Out of the bunch, this is the only bass that I feel didn't have a good string match and wasn't set up very well. I'm going to add DR Dragon Skin strings and set it up properly and redo the sound clip.
Track: 11
Bass: ZON Sonus Elite 5 Fretless
Body: Spalted alder
Neck: Composite
Fingerboard: Phenowood
Weight: 9.6 lbs
Pickups: Bartolini Radiused Humbuckers
Preamp: Bartolini 918F
Controls: Volume maxed, both pickups, EQ flat
Strings: DR Black Beauties 45-130
Comments: I do not deserve this bass. I'm a pretty bad fretless player and this thing is a work of art.
Track: 12
Bass: ZON Sonus Elite 5 Fretless
Body: Spalted alder
Neck: Composite
Fingerboard: Phenowood
Weight: 9.6 lbs
Pickups: Bartolini Radiused Humbuckers
Preamp: Bartolini 918F
Controls: Volume maxed, bridge pickup soloed, EQ flat
Strings: DR Black Beauties 45-130
Comments: Same as above
Ok, that's it... hope you enjoyed my little experiment.
I'd love to hear what you think!
EDIT: I updated the track listing.