Glad you got your refund.
I bit my tongue until I knew things would work out for Chris.
Jimmy Coppolo's response on Talkbass was utterly classless, and embarrassingly ridiculous. The kind of crap he tries to suggest and the mud he slung at Chris was pathetic.
I am the kind of guy that if I tried a Coppolo and loved it like nothing else, I would own one. But in light of this bull (and some previous experience with him), I'll never own an Alleva-Coppolo bass. Guys like me may not be the doom of A-C, but the people claiming this won't impact his sales are mistaken. I've seen the small builder business first hand, and losing even a half dozen orders in a year will be felt. He cost himself enough future orders that he will feel it. So know Chris that every insult he threw your way he will pay the price for.
A crazy plan for the next bass was alluded to, now that you have cash in hand we want details.