bbl wrote:
I guess I didn't think one could sand epoxy. Or shouldn't.
Perhaps some fine wet sanding and steel wool is in order here.
most epoxies are very sandable, and doing so is a must if you want to have a perfectly level fingerboard.
the right radius block, multiple grits of high quality wet/dry paper (I wet sand thru 2000 grit on my epoxy fingerboard finishes), and good wet sanding technique will yield you a fingerboard ready for buffing to a high gloss.
for high quality wet/dry paper, visit an auto paint store. good quality paper has less potential for a high grit, and it also is more uniform when wet. I use a small bowl with water plus a few drops of liquid dish soap (lubricant) as my liquid source. I also pre-tear all my paper pieces before starting, and pre-soak all paper I'll be using for at least an hour proior to using it on an epoxied surface
I never use steel wool on a epoxied fingerboard, especially when there's potential for it to come in contact with moisture
all the best,