
The Herd as of April 2008, part 2
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Author:  Bassaria [ April 14th, 2008, 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  The Herd as of April 2008, part 2

Current basses - part 2

File comment: My first Roscoe named "Ercel". It is a LG 3005 fretless - a great bass and super lyrical!
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File comment: A 1999 Fender Hot Rod with EMG's and a Japan Jazz neck -love those! This thing is light, tight, and relic'd -a great versatile bass
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File comment: Fender Jazz Bass from 85/86 Made in Japan, wired with EMGs. Hands down, the best jazz bass ever had, and I ve a few good USA vintage basses -Nathan East played this one night (flipped of course) and the first thing he said was "Man, that is Killer What is THAT?" Needless to say, a keeper.
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