fivebass52 wrote:
Great story! I'm curious about the string spacing... I have an inexpensive, but easy-to-play Ibanez SR206, with a low/flat feeling neck profile, with 17mm spacing at the bridge... it took a couple of weeks to adjust to the "C" string (used to playing 5's...) but after that, I played it solid in a weekly Rock/bar band for two years. Really like the string spacing; it was easy to play, and along with the "flat" neck profile, it was easy to play. I have a couple of 5-strings that felt wider... So, what is the string spacing on this Bass, and how does the overall neck profile feel to you?
I don't mind the string spacing and all and the neck is very comfortable. My problem is that I usually play 5 strings, so 4 and 5 are fine, but I can't wrap my mind around what to do with the C string, and it kind of just gets in the way. I occasionally noodle on it and chord with it, but I don't sound great doing either of those and I feel a little silly doing something I wouldn't normally do just because I have this extra string. Also the bass plays so much "hotter" than my other basses (if that makes any sense) that I have to change the way I play, which can be a distraction also.
If I spent some real time with it I think I'd be fine, but it's always been deep in the lineup, and like fretless, it's not an instrument I feel I'm talented enough to play only on occasion and make it sound decent.