fivebass52 wrote:
As nice as block inlays are (especially to the audience) I find myself more focused in on my side-dots for fret reference.... which is why I also like to put on the FretFX LED lights when I can afford them (have two basses with them on so far)....
Got to say that I had no idea your neck was going to be fretless until I read Rod's post, and can't say as I recall a fretless neck with block inlays.... that'll fool some people!
Yeah, fretless. Sorry! It's going to be pretty unique, to say the least. It'll be my first fretless I've ever even played; the exception being one time many many years ago I played an acoustic fretless at a local guitar shop because they just so happened to have one in our handedness. I haven't seen or touched one since. I just got inspired to do something different, and, well, here we are: different indeed!
Regarding the painting (from a couple posts ago), at first I was thinking white, as my inspiration for the project originally came from Larry Graham's Moon bass. My original concept has shifted quite a bit since then, though, so who knows where it'll end up. That grain does look pretty killer, so on one hand painting it might be blasphemy. On the other hand, I have two MIM Fender Jazz basses already that have the wood look: one is just a straight-up natural wood grain with a clear coat (purchased from this forum, in fact), and the other is a burst that has an obvious and visible wood grain. It seems only fitting that I round out the collection with a painted axe. I could also do something where I mix and match this neck with one of my other bodies, and then keep this as a fretted bass by using one of those other necks with this body.