AzWhoFan wrote:
Great job on all the tunes.
i'm listening to it from work on headphones and 2 things jump out at me. 1)the lead guitar is too high in the mix on To The Light and Sweet Company.Less so on the last tune but it's still add a tad out there, especially when the other instruments drop out. 2)whilst you and the bass drum are nicely locked in, I'd give both track a touch more volume or maybe a touch more EQ in the80hZ range.
where's you guys record this? Did you get any mastering work done on the tracks?
Is that Susan Tedeschi singing? sure sounds like it!!
To The Light was mastered and recorded at Jankland Studios by Steve Jankowski.
Sweet Company and Element Man were recorded at Shorefire Studios by Joe DeMaio not yet mastered.
Allison is the singer she is 16.
If you have a recommendation for mastering please let me know.
Thank You so much for the feedback!