
Major points to johntheleftybassist!!!
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Author:  Addison [ September 13th, 2010, 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Major points to johntheleftybassist!!!

I just purchased a bass from John and all I have to say is that he is a very cool dude, has EXCELLENT communication, and is true to his word... the bass was PERFECT.

He's also pretty patient... I royally effed up and, while trying to add a new payment to PayPal, accidentally submitted the payment after PayPal defaulted back to my bank account once the new payment method was submitted.

Yes... I hate PayPal right now. :x

It took almost two weeks to clear that mess up... but John understood and waited patiently while I cleaned up my mess.

Anyway... if you ever have a chance to do biz with John, don't hesitate!

Author:  gravesbass [ September 14th, 2010, 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Major points to johntheleftybassist!!!

I back John up many times as well. John's a good dude to wheel and deal with and would definitely do business with hi again as well.

Author:  johntheleftybassist [ September 17th, 2010, 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Major points to johntheleftybassist!!!

Thanks for the kind words guys we got a great thing going on here and it's good to know we can all trust each other.

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