here's an image of my previous Jey spindle sander in action
- thicknessing a headstock on a non-tilt style neck
- sanding the edge contour of a body
(can't find my images on this at the moment)
- finessing the outline of a pickguard template
essentially the sanding drum rotates and also oscilates up/down in an effort to eliminate a high grit particle on the sanding drum from leaving a scribed line on what's being sanded. the sander utilizes multiple sized drums to accommodate open and tight areas. this tool will cut the amount of hand sanding an edge by more than 80% while also maintaining an nice perpendicular edge alignment. the drums come in various grits from very coarse down to 200 grit
I consider this a must have tool for any woodworking shop making wooden router templates (pickguards, bodies, headstocks, etc ...) and bodies/necks. it's also a great tool for some kinds of furniture making projects
all the best,