
Bass Stolen
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Author:  Grant [ August 5th, 2018, 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Bass Stolen

Hi Guys I know this is a righty but if in your search on the net keep your eyes out for this.

This is what the guy wrote.......

My beloved 4001v63, fireglo w/ horshoe pickup, serial DI-8868 was stolen from my house near Nashville. It had been my voice for decades and now she’s gone.
I search for her every day, and will gladly pay $1000 cash for info that leads to her return... or if you have her, I will buy her from you.
Please, imagine the awful feeling of losing your lifelong favorite... and help a fellow musician get her home again.

his facebook page is
https://www.facebook.com/frank.list.3?f ... oup_dialog

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Author:  bobjones2260 [ August 6th, 2018, 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Stolen

That has to be the worst feeling in the world, I know a few folks here have had them stolen out of their cars or trunks, perhaps some at Gigs but to have someone steal it from your house is just the worst.

I wish they had an America's Most Wanted for Basses and Guitars!

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