Very cool, Jeroen!
Well, I guess you all might as well know it: I'm a professional nerd. I'm a patent attorney with a large international firm. My largest client is Google, and I do a lot of patents for their data center and optical networking technology. I also work for some startups and other smaller companies, and I like that mix.
Before law school I was an electrical engineer designing scientific instruments: mass spectrometers and magnetic resonance imagers. I applied to law school when my engineering career stalled and I realized I didn't love engineering in practice the way I loved it in school and as a hobby.
But I got into electronics through music. After high school I earned a two-year degree in "recording arts". I wasn't much of a musician, having only been in lame school bands and only taking a handful of proper lessons, but I discovered I was really good with the gear, both inside and out. I spent about a year looking for paid work in the industry while working various s--- jobs, and applied to engineering school as a fallback. The rest, as they say,...
My job doesn't lend itself to cool pictures, but here's one of me doing my favorite thing:
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Picture is a few years old, though. I'm waiting for my kids to get old enough to join me in the mountains. But I can already tell that my daughter has the bug:
WhatsApp Image 2017-04-02 at 7.26.53 PM.jpeg [ 103.42 KiB | Viewed 18031 times ]