Since we lefties must often go far and wide to find unique and interesting basses, I thought you might appreciate what I have found to be the best "all of Craigslist" search page:
http://www.searchtempest.comI have tried a few others, and I have found this one to be the best.
Here is why: My sister lives in a small town. Recently, my father and I took a road trip to visit her. As a matter of reflex, anytime I leave town, I check the local Craigslist for lefty basses. Well, against all odds, there was a lefty Rick 4003 for sale in her town! (No, I didn't buy it. He was asking a fair price that nobody could argue with, but I just figured there isn't enough difference between my '86 and an '03 to justify the cost - although I did consider it!)
Anyway, I noticed the Craigslist search engines I had been using failed to find that bass. That is what lead me to find others. Searchtempest is the only Craigslist search engine I tried that found the bass in her town.
Gilmourisgod wrote:
I never really "got" what a Rick is capable of until I ran it stereo a few times in my college band. We used to call it the "Piano of Doom". You get all the bottom and all the top in total a**kicking mode.