Addison wrote:
I've seen a few lefties at Guitar Centers here and there across the country, but they're always the same two or three I see over and over...
Ibanez SR300 (there's almost always one of these)
Fender P in black or sunburst... rosewood...
Fender J in black or sunburst... rosewood...
They're also usually hanging about 25 feet up in the air on the very top row so you absolutely HAVE to ask for assistance to even look at it.
I travel A LOT for work related matters all over the country, and occasionally internationally as well. Every Guitar Center I have ever called only had the Ibanez SR 300, if that. I would have been really happy if they had an American Made Fender P or J. I usually don't even bother anymore with calling GC while I am on the road, since I usually here "We have this sweet Iron Pewter Ibanez..." I tend to end the conversation right there and wish them a good day.
At Sam Ash stores I usually see an MIM J, the Squier 70's J (which I really dig), a Hofner Icon or Contemporary, and the Ibanez. At least there I can find something to play and plug in. The Sam Ash in NYC and LA Sunset Blvd location will usually have a German Hofner, and American Standard P+J's.
Obviously Houston will have the best selection b/c of Southpaw, and Adirondack (though I have never made it there, just far enough from NYC to get up there). There are some local stores that will have great selection, Chicago Music Exchange in Chicago, Motor City Guitars just outside of Detroit (my favorite), Drum City Guitarland outside of Denver, Matt Umanov in NYC, Milano's Music in the Phoenix area, and True Tone Music in Santa Monica. Hope this helps.