jayceofbass wrote:
Zappa - by Barry Miles
I thought this was a really good biography and was fair an honest for the most part. It especially comes into focus if you also read the "autobiogaphy" and miscellaneous rantings that Zappa put out himself in "The Real Frank Zappa Book" back before he died.
I read them both again recently. The two books aren't totally juxtaposed but they do conflict enough to let you read between the lines and get a good feel for what he was really like.
And boy, did that man know how to squeeze every last drop of ability out of his players!
yeah, he was a squeezer allright!
I saw Frank and the Mothers in Montreal just before Overnite Sensation was released. It was an outdoor summertime gig. We toodled by the venue around 1PM when they were just starting the soundcheck. In those days, they just left the doors open and anyone could walk in, so we did.
Well, the band did not stop playing from 1PM to the end of the gig! Basically it was Frank and the gang for 10 hours straight. Band members would take 1/2 hour breaks along the way until the official start time. Except for Frank. He ducked out for less than 15 minutes to, i'll assume, "recharge" himself.
One of the best damn concerts I ever got to see for $3 CDN.