
American Jazz Deluxe for MM Bongo (Would you trade?)
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Author:  velalv [ March 23rd, 2012, 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  American Jazz Deluxe for MM Bongo (Would you trade?)

Hi Guys:

So, I have a fellow lefty offer me his Musicman Bongo (4 string, double humbucker, Candy Apple Red with a white guard) for my American Jazz Deluxe, pretty much straight up (he wants a $100, or my Squier P). I got some time with a Bongo at Southpaw Guitars, and really thought about getting it, but was also gassing for their Martin before the purchase got vetoed.

Honestly, I am on the fence about this bass. First, I know Fender is not making anymore lefty American Deluxes. MM will make the Bongo lefty on a special order, or I can buy one off the rack from Southpaw.

Second, both basses are active. Seems to me that I would be trading the punch of noiseless Samarium pickups for the larger, more present, but less punchy tone of the Bongo.

As some of you all know, I play primarily Contemporary Christian, Gospel, and some classic rock. I have read that the Bongo's front pickup can cover the P with the neck pickup, and a Stingray with the back pickup soloed. That would fit these styles of music. To my ears, I was not sure I came away convinced. Would you all do this trade?

Feel free to follow up questions.[/b]

Author:  Frenchy-Lefty [ March 23rd, 2012, 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: American Jazz Deluxe for MM Bongo (Would you trade?)

You may want to ask bbl (send him a pm) I know he has owned a Bongo and a Jazz Bass Deluxe.

Author:  velalv [ March 23rd, 2012, 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: American Jazz Deluxe for MM Bongo (Would you trade?)

Thanks Frenchy, will do. Hopefully he will see this publicly and post, but if others have thoughts that would be great.

Author:  bbl [ April 16th, 2012, 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: American Jazz Deluxe for MM Bongo (Would you trade?)

Just saw this for the first time.

I'd take the Bongo over the AD Jazz. The preamp is far superior.

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