This post will be long, so thank you in advance if you read the whole thing.
Looking into getting a new setup. pjmuck's home recording thread is excellent, but I don't want ruin a perfectly good conversation, so I am starting a new one.
First, some fun facts about me:
* Mediocre guitarist than turned into a mediocre bassist. I always played guitar like a bass, so it was no shock that I played bass like a guitar.
* I listen to all kinds of music, but as a musician, I am into rock music. Love early punk (No Wave), indie rock (Replacements, Modest Mouse, Archers of Loaf, Fugazi), Motown/Stax, krautrock.
I recently moved cross-country and sold a lot of my gear in the process, including all my amps. I still have one bass, several guitars and quite a few pedals.
My new location is not a hot bed of music. Primarily cover bands, which I have no interest in. I doubt I will find anyone to start a band with since my tastes are eclectic and I am over the hill in the rock world (late '30s), but I will try. My immediate goal is to focus on songwriting at home. Perhaps if I can create full songs on my own, I can show case others more or less what I am interested in. I always created songs in a communal fashion (especially since I do not write lyrics or can sing).
Been playing guitar over the bass right now. Still not playing much since I have no amps. Started thinking about what an ideal setup should be. Wanted something very small for home use, but big enough to play a small show (perhaps with an extension cab). Looked into small amps such as the Vox AC4, but no solution would be adequate for a bass.
Started playing guitar via a Yamaha DG-Stomp plugged into small computer speakers or headphones. The sound wasn't actually bad. I also own an MXR M-80 Bass Direct Box, but I have only used it as a distortion pedal, never for the direct capabilities.
So now I am debating if I even need an amp or not. I have been wanting to get into home recording, so perhaps I should just get (active) studio monitors instead of an amp. The volume would be controllable and would be far easier to record with a floor processor.
So my questions are (finally):
* would playing with the DG-Stomp/MXR and studio montiors be decent for at home practice?
* would this gear also be suitable for simple home recordings?
Other gear: purchased EZDrummer software years ago, but never used it. Also have a Macbook with GarageBand, which I also never used.