
Marshall buys Eden
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Author:  pjmuck [ January 3rd, 2012, 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Marshall buys Eden

Not sure how this news escaped me, or how I feel about it, since my Eden rig was made prior to these sales about 10 year ago, but I have to think this just takes the brand one step further removed from
what defined Eden as a highly regarded boutique amp company:

http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/I ... _Amps.aspx

Marshall still makes great high end hand amps, but I just hope Eden doesn't fall under the umbrella of Marhsall's cheaper, low end Asian products.

Author:  thumbslam [ January 3rd, 2012, 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marshall buys Eden

I can tell you I bought brand new a WT1000 black face Eden head about a year and a half ago based upon a rig I played through at a gig that was a back line at some gig. I played through an old USA made WT1200 into two 4/10 Eden cabs and is was warm and fat sounding and was one of the loudest amps I ever played through and best sounding at that time. That was like 10 years ago and I never forgot it and then I bought the WT1000 without doing a due diligence and research to get more of the story.

Well thank God I bought it new from Musicians friend with the warrantee. Mine was made in China and it was horrid sounding. Just shrill and honky and a fan that sounded like hood fan on high over the stove. I hated it and MF gave me a full refund and I bought a MarkBass 2/10 combo which is incredible BTW. I don’t know if they could get worse and I realize mine was probably voiced different since it was a different head but the difference was like Filet Mignon compared to ground beef. I can only hope Marshall’s history and quality gets reintroduced back into the Eden line. I can’t say Peavey’s acquisition of Trace Elliot was the best thing ever but the quality is still pretty good.

Author:  AzWhoFan [ January 4th, 2012, 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marshall buys Eden

PJ, you just gave me something to talk about with the Marshall gang at NAMM. Thanks!

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