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Author:  Addison [ September 7th, 2011, 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  BADASS fans... REJOICE!!!

Allparts has a whole shitload of original Leo Quan Badass bridges IN STOCK RIGHT NOW.

Rumor has run rampant as to why Glen "Leo" Quan's bridges have become so hard to find for the last couple of years. I've never heard anything official, but all the speculation and hearsay has pointed to Glen having a terminal illness of some kind. :(

There has also been a lot of rumor suggesting that Fender has been scrambling to acquire Glen's patents so they could resume production.

Well... I'm not sure why the bridges are available again after being "out of production" for over 2 years... I don't know if Fender is now producing them or if Glen himself is back in business...

If it's Fender then we can all be happy that the world famous bridges we know and love will now be available to us whenever we want/need one... but, more than anything I hope it's the latter.

I feel priveledged that I was able to speak to Glen over the phone on a couple of different occasions, and he is by far one of the most knowledgeable and interesting people I have EVER talked to in my life. Those of you who know me have probably heard this story, but I never get tired of telling it... my apologies in advance.

He kept me on the phone for an hour... a VERY fast hour... and when something came up and he had to go, he promised he'd call back. He did... and we talked for almost another entire hour. The man was like a mad scientist. He asked me a million questions about my opinions on technique and tone, and, in exchange, he shared a ton of information with me about what he has learned... it was one of the most inspirational and educational conversations I have ever had with ANYONE, and it's something I'll never forget.


I just noticed these were available last night, ordered one immediately, and thought I'd share this with the rest of you guys... it's pretty good news for Badass fans.

Author:  belinmad [ September 7th, 2011, 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BADASS fans... REJOICE!!!

I've never had the chance to play an instrument with these bridges.
What's so special about them? They look similar to the Fender ones, no? Honest question, no ill intended.

Author:  andrew [ September 7th, 2011, 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BADASS fans... REJOICE!!!

Are you meaning only the o.g. Badass are available through Allparts, or do they have the pre-slotted BA II in stock too? That seems to be the one people are most after.

I put a BA II on my Regenerate VRB P-bass recently and I really like the difference it made. The bass has a more bright, ringing tone and harmonics seem more clear. It's been around for this long for a reason. :)

Author:  Addison [ September 7th, 2011, 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BADASS fans... REJOICE!!!

andrew wrote:
Are you meaning only the o.g. Badass are available through Allparts, or do they have the pre-slotted BA II in stock too? That seems to be the one people are most after.

I linked to the Allparts blog that gives the complete list of what's available, but here it is...

Badass Bass V Bridges
BB-0325-001 – Leo Quan Badass Bass V 5-String Nickel Bass Bridge - (Updated 08/25/11)
BB-0325-003 – Leo Quan Badass Bass V 5-String Black Bass Bridge
BB-0325-010 – Leo Quan Badass Bass V 5-String Chrome Bass Bridge

Badass Bass II Bridges
BB-0335-001 – Leo Quan Badass Bass II Nickel Bass Bridge – NEW
BB-0335-002 – Leo Quan Badass Bass II Gold Bass Bridge
BB-0335-003 – Leo Quan Badass Bass II Black Bass Bridge
BB-0335-010 – Leo Quan Badass Bass II Chrome Bass Bridge
BB-0335-G10 – Leo Quan Grooved Badass Bass II Chrome Bass Bridge

Badass Bass III Bridges
BB-0336-001 – Leo Quan Badass Bass III Nickel Bass Bridge – NEW
BB-0336-002 – Leo Quan Badass Bass III Gold Bass Bridge
BB-0336-003 – Leo Quan Badass Bass III Black Bass Bridge
BB-0336-010 – Leo Quan Badass Bass III Chrome Bass Bridge

Badass Bass II2 Bridges
BB-0337-010 – Leo Quan Badass Bass II-2 Chrome Bass Bridge

It's too bad the preslotted one is for right handed players... the slots are wider for the E string than they are the G string.


Author:  andrew [ September 7th, 2011, 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BADASS fans... REJOICE!!!

Addison wrote:
Badass Bass II2 Bridges BB-0337-010 – Leo Quan Badass Bass II-2 Chrome Bass Bridge

Interesting, I wonder what this is?

Thanks for posting the list.

Author:  Frenchy-Lefty [ September 7th, 2011, 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BADASS fans... REJOICE!!!

On a Fender, a badass Bridge makes a big difference compare to the stock bridge. If you are a lefty you should order the non-slotted bridge and have it done by someone knowledgeable.

Author:  Jeroen [ September 7th, 2011, 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BADASS fans... REJOICE!!!

andrew wrote:
I put a BA II on my Regenerate VRB P-bass recently and I really like the difference it made. The bass has a more bright, ringing tone and harmonics seem more clear. It's been around for this long for a reason. :)

That's exactly how I experienced the difference it made on my MIJ '75 Jazz reissue after replacing the original bent steel bridge with a Badass II. I also think the bottom end sounds a lot tighter now. It was a good bass at first, but now it's a great bass!

Author:  ThaBassment [ September 8th, 2011, 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BADASS fans... REJOICE!!!

How about putting one of those badass bridges on a squier bass along with a full electronics/pickup change? Worth it or not?

Author:  Addison [ September 8th, 2011, 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BADASS fans... REJOICE!!!

andrew wrote:
Addison wrote:
Badass Bass II2 Bridges BB-0337-010 – Leo Quan Badass Bass II-2 Chrome Bass Bridge

Interesting, I wonder what this is?

I called Allparts and they said that the 0335 is a direct replacement for the Fender Marcus Miller and Geddy Lee basses and is made with a different alloy than the 0337, which is, I'm assuming, a heavier alloy of some kind that was used in the original Badass bridges.

Glen told me a few years ago that they were working on a lighter alloy that produced more attack, and maybe that's what these bridges are... not sure.

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