
Thinking of Donating a Bass
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Author:  Ronin614 [ September 16th, 2020, 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Thinking of Donating a Bass

I’m thinking of donating my SX Ursa II to someone who would like to play, but can’t afford to buy a bass.

There are a few problems though:
It’s a lefty.
It’s strung right handed.

Those two things make it difficult to find the right person. If it were right handed, I’d have a buddy who is a band director give it to a student. Can’t really do that with a lefty inverted.

It’s in great condition, but I can’t think of a way to put it out there where someone who actually wants to learn, but can’t afford it, will end up with it.

Any thoughts?

Author:  jersey bluesdude [ September 16th, 2020, 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thinking of Donating a Bass


Author:  bobjones2260 [ September 17th, 2020, 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thinking of Donating a Bass

I am in Philly and we have a great organization called Musicopia, I have donated stuff to them before, perhaps if you do a Google search you could find an organization like theirs in your home town.


Now imagine a kid who cannot afford an instrument and he is left handed, the band director goes to Musicopia or another organization and they have one. How thrilled that kid would be! What I liked about Musicopia is they support many school programs so the chances there is a lefty kid in Philly who needs a bass is much better then donating to a single school.

Thanks for donating your instrument, my kids both did high school band and it's incredible how many kids need instruments that parents cannot afford them.

Author:  ch willie [ September 17th, 2020, 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thinking of Donating a Bass

Man, that is a great thing.

Music programs across the US have been disappearing from schools. !st thing cut, 1st thing forgotten.

Those that do exist often have slashed budgets.

I live in a town of 18,000. Unemployment high, lot of poverty. A lot of the families couldn't afford to even give their kid a plywood guitar. After seeing your post, I'm going to put money aside to buy an MIM Jazz Bass and an MIM six string for our local high school. There's no telling how many young people here have talent but can't afford an instrument.

Author:  ezstep [ September 17th, 2020, 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thinking of Donating a Bass

I am in a town of about 11k. I gave one of my office workers (high school kid) a Peavey 2x15 cabinet, with BW's. Good kid, decent musician.

My cousin died (a while back) and left me his old mixer. I asked his wife if I could donate it to someone who needed one (it was nowhere as good as my PreSonus), and I did. Found a kid online on a musicians forum who kept asking about trading pedals for a mixer, etc., so I contacted him and gave it to him.

Good feeling.

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