So there are a couple of threads I've been following over at Talkbass for awhile, and realized that without paying for the privilege to reply, I was just a lurker... but haven't had any inclination for the past few years since my membership lapsed to be a paying/supporting member until tonight. SO, I decided to go as cheap as possible, and signed up for the $4/monthly recurring fee, rather than the $30/yearly, just to see if I was going to get back into the forum on a regular basis....
Sure enough, the 2nd thread I decided to click on and read, reminded me of all the stories, and trolls, we've all come to diss on, and be irritated by on TB... The thread I got involved in is titled "Bass Nightmare", written by a 65-year-old retired oil worker from Austin Texas, who decided to buy a Fender Okoume Jazz Bass from Guitar Center, and, after a couple of gigs at his church, the active EQ section gave out. Taking it back to GC, and getting warranty work on it has been a nightmare, and apparently has dragged on for several months, with GC doing nothing to satisfy a paying customer...
The 65-year-old poster has a dysfunctional writing style, and wrote his entire post in one long paragraph. Yes, it was initially hard to read, and at first I wasn't sure whether the poster was from another country, and English was his 2nd language, or what... Right away, the flamers attacked him for no paragraph separation, shouting in Caps in a subsequent post etc., rather than just seeing through it all, and trying to either be sympathetic, or offer up advice. Turns out the poster has ADHD, takes seizure meds, has an old laptop computer, and obviously, is a blue-collar worker, not an English major.
Unfortunately, my payment hasn't been authorized yet, so I'm unable to post some sort of witty retort to these assholes, but it just reminds me of why I slowly faded away from reading Talkbass posts, and why I SO enjoy being a member here in Leftybassist - you guys are all Gentlemen, are always eager and willing to help someone with a problem, and on the rare occasion a member says something out of line, it's quickly addressed, and order is restored.
If anyone cares to read a bit of the actual thread, here it is.... At the risk of being redundant, this forum sets the bar for, and should be held up as, the prime example of how members should respond to, and respect other members.... Thanks Guys, I'm honored to be a member here!
Haven't been on that site in years. You think Talkbass is bad, you should try, a cliquish, elitist collective of snobs if ever there was one. (aka the Elliott Easton brown nose page)