slybass3000 wrote:
fivebass52 wrote:
Sylvain - thanks very much! Been in the business of showing the positive to potential clients and customers for years. Happy to help show the way to musical enlightenment...
Which field if not to indiscreet to ask?
I've sold everything from health club memberships to eye-ware; worked for Honda selling motorcycles, generators, lawn mowers, chainsaws; carpet and flooring products; Hawaiian jewelry; hot tubs; was a manufacturer's rep for sports apparel, selling to all the major department stores etc.; went to many seminars on selling techniques.
I think the first real public/selling opportunity I was in was working in a small sidewalk Greek cafe' just outside of Waikiki. Talking vacationers from the midwest into eating marinated sliced octopus was the start of my "gift of gab". By the time I was done describing the herbs, spices, feta cheese, oils, and pita bread, and how that all tasted, they already knew how good it was. It was just a matter of putting that first bite in their mouth! Most came to the window looking for a hotdog, and went away raving about octopus to their friends back home, who looked us up when they came on their vacation. Ah, the powers of suggestion.....
Now, my selling experiences help me in my work as a finish carpenter, as I work with people, and describe the end result of the work they want done. I've learned that having a good vocabulary really helps paint mental pictures, and calms peoples nerves when they at first don't understand the processes needed for completing the work.
Anyway, I like to think about how to present information in a logical, concise way, so it's easily understood. So there you are... aren't you glad you asked?!