That's lovely! To me, cherry sunburst is one of the classic Stingray finishes. Always looks great, with any fingerboard wood and with a black, white, tort or even pearloid pickguard (and I hate pearloid pickguards! Always makes me think of milk with icecubes. Yuck!

Great to hear you've been getting on so well on that bass for so long. So many of us quickly buy and sell new instruments and don't stick with one main bass for a long time. It's so nice when you find that one bass that just suits you and gets played often. To me personally it has taken quite some time and a lot of buying and selling to find 'that bass', and I'm still regularly buying new stuff because a different instrument inspires me to play differently or because it may suit a specific need at that particular moment but there are 3 main basses I mostly stick to when rehearsing, gigging and recording