What is it you want to accomplish, exactly? Do you want the keyboard in the same configuration as it currently is on a righty but with the blow hole on the opposite side (treble side) so notes ascend towards your mouth (lower notes furthest from your mouth), or do you want a full blown lefty version with notes ascending away from you? I used to play occasional melodica in my old band. Mine's a righty and I play it with both hands, using the left hand over the top of the keyboard.
I've personally never seen a lefty, though looking at my Hohner now it looks like it might be possible to convert a righty by flipping the reed/keys (and sealing the blow hole and routing another on the opposite side?). Personally, I don't it's worth the effort. If you play piano, then as a lefty you already have to learn to favor the right hand for melody, unless you actually DO own a left handed piano. I think you'd be better off with a righty and using the tube extension mouthpiece with it so you can put it down horizontally like a mini piano. Or, do what I used to do, and I play it with both hands. I'm actually surprised more players don't.