Hey Guys,
Sorry I was not back on this thread sooner. Again. apologies for my lack of clarity. A lot of my friends joke with me that I must have a degree in obtuse writing.
Anyhow. this is exactly the type of response I was hoping to generate. I think Thumbslam hit the issue pretty spotn, I am just wondering if anyone else had encountered any dexterity related issues related to straps.
I don't play any Thunderbirds (though Gaskell's new bird looks pretty cool), but for some reasons my Fenders neck dive. I play with the bass relatively low, and the neck at around a 60% angle. I don't gig as much as Addison or some of the other fine folks on the board, but I woodshed every night and play three hours or so just about every Sunday. I find myself thinking about strap related issues just about every time I play, issues such as getting the pad in the strap to rest on my shoulder etc. I am just getting fed up with thinking about it. i rather think about my playing skills, or really lack thereof.
As large a metro area as Washington DC is, there is not a lot of great selection. The 2 quality shops in the area don't have a ton of big straps to try out. And GC is of no help either.
I think I can get my local shop to order me the Levy, though. The Italia has also caught my attention. I'll let you all know what I decide. Though honestly, my gear budget is being saved up fro a trip to Southpaw Guitar in February.