
Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay
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Author:  ADSR [ August 1st, 2019, 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay


Starting bid $300
I'm a huge fan of this model. I have 2 of the Korean made. The metal bridge tends to sag and the output jack can get funky. Both easily replaced with better upgrades. Outside of those issues, extremely stable, very light weight, and luscious tone.

Strange listing needs clarification. The photo and main listing is for a lefty shorthorn, but if you scroll down to the description, it's for a right handed longhorn Dano which would be a short scale. 2 completely different models that do not look anything alike.

So caveat emptor.

Author:  pjmuck [ August 1st, 2019, 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

I used to own one of these as well, silver sparkle. I like them too. Very cool and unique tones.

Author:  bobjones2260 [ August 1st, 2019, 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

I had one of these in black and agree great basses, my bass and I feel many of the other lefties were offered in the late 90's, so could be 97,98 or 99.

Lastly I feel the seller did a very poor job of cut and paste on specs from the web page and did not proof read.

Author:  LHBASSIST [ August 5th, 2019, 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

Irony: The Shorthorns are long scale, and the Longhorns are short scale. I have a "Davelectro" Longhorn, my quickly converted Evets era (90's) Korean made bass. The crappy side tape was lifting, so I removed it. That stuff, is held on with some of the nastiest glue I've ever encountered in almost a half- Century of repairing instruments.
It's really too small to be practical for me to take out often.. it's noisier than an AM radio in a tunnel, and feels like a toy in my big hands. That said, it sounds, to me, like a friggin' Alembic Series Two bass.... killer dual pickup tones... Here's a bad pic, but you get the idea.

Davelectro Longhorn 002.jpg
Davelectro Longhorn 002.jpg [ 46.13 KiB | Viewed 6054 times ]

Author:  ADSR [ August 5th, 2019, 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

Irony: The Shorthorns are long scale, and the Longhorns are short scale. I have a "Davelectro" Longhorn...It's really too small to be practical for me to take out often..

Similar experience. I had a chance to grab a nice Longhorn dirt cheap, but when I tried it out, it felt small and "toyish". I really wanted to like it but I guess I need the long scale to accommodate my sloppy fretting technique. My 2 Dano Shorthorns feel solid but are still nice and light and a good fit for me. The pickups can be noisy in some settings but I can dial it out if I have to.

I messaged the Ebay seller about the ambiguous description. She claims the bass belonged to her now deceased husband and she knows nothing about it. My best guess it's the Shorthorn model in the photos that she's actually selling. I tried to explain that she is describing 2 completely different models and should correct the ad. So far I don't see any change.

May be on the level but as I said, caveat emptor.

Author:  Murzenquest [ August 8th, 2019, 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

Greetings fellow lefty’s! Just thought I’d share that Thomann has new Dano short-horn basses (in black) listed for sale. Had a good buying experience recently with them myself. I figured I’m not the only one who’s been looking out for one of these. Just for fwiw.

https://m.thomannmusic.com/danelectro_5 ... 1565295632

Author:  ADSR [ August 8th, 2019, 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

Murzenquest wrote:

All I see in that link is one tiny picture and a list of features. For that asking price they should have more detailed photos and a lot more info.

Author:  Murzenquest [ August 8th, 2019, 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

Nuts, the link isn’t working? Seems to for me... sorry all. Price seems about right though. What did the originals go for new?

Author:  bobjones2260 [ August 9th, 2019, 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

I think when I got mine new in 1998 or so it was around $400.

Author:  ADSR [ August 9th, 2019, 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

Looks like the Sparkle Shorthorn from my original post is sold. Hope the buyer figured out which description was correct.

Murzenquest wrote:
Nuts, the link isn’t working? Seems to for me... sorry all. Price seems about right though. What did the originals go for new?

Here is a better link with good photos and description. This one is a fairly current re-issue. Being made in Korea again. The older re-issues (like the "sparkle" model above) usually go for $350-450 even in a lefty. I haven't seen this new re-issue in a lefty for sale in the USA yet.
https://www.thomannmusic.com/danelectro ... 9&reload=1

Author:  crescenze [ August 9th, 2019, 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dano shorthorn sparkle with an odd listing on the bay

Never noticed the input jack in that location before. Seem to be a strange choice.

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