
Lefty necks on eBay
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Author:  Rodent [ March 20th, 2008, 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Lefty necks on eBay

I see that there's currently three lefty Mighty Mite P-bass necks available for $89.95US + $11US shipping here

http://cgi.ebay.com/LEFTY-PRECISION-P-B ... dZViewItem


I have NO association or knowledge of this seller

having used a couple Mighty Mite necks in the past, I have high marks for the value they bring at an incredibly affordable price. I definitely lean towards utilizing a MM neck before I grab for a Warmoth anytime a customer wants an assemble job on the cheap - but wants it to play like something significantly more expensive.

one of these necks could easily be added to the Fiesta Red T-bird body in the Fenderbird thread

all the best,


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