
Old Fernandes jazz clone -- $900 eBay
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Author:  tim [ July 27th, 2016, 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Old Fernandes jazz clone -- $900 eBay

Anyone read the book Point of Impact? They made a move about it with Marky Mark called Shooter. The protagonist is a veteran marine marksman named Bob Lee Swagger. Anyway, there's a point in the book where he gets put on a government watch list because someone wrote an angry letter to the president in his name--and it had FOUR exclamation points!!!!

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This listing reminded me of that book for some reason. So maybe it's better to stay clear of this seller. You know, just in case.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Late-70s-early- ... 2200087014

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(The book is actually a great read, if you like shooty-type stuff. Movie isn't so bad either, and features a fun cameo by Levon Helm.)

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