
Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?
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Author:  Moses [ April 19th, 2016, 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

I've already contacted the seller and he is willing to ship, but I'd really prefer to have someone take a look at it for me, if at all possible.


Hopefully I'll get some pics I can post here soon. I've asked for neck pocket, headstock closeup, pot numbers, any damage, etc. Anyone have resources for IDing vintage fenders through photos handy?

Author:  donahue [ April 19th, 2016, 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Looks like you may have found a gem! I'm no help but I hope someone can post with info.

Author:  crescenze [ April 19th, 2016, 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Another Rosewood with skunk stripe. A number of them posted recently.

Author:  Moses [ April 20th, 2016, 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Here are the pics. He's apparently has heard from a local buyer this morning so I've gotta move fast if I'm gonna take it. I'm not even remotely an expert on IDing these guys, can anyone confirm its 78-ness from these?

Author:  gravesbass [ April 20th, 2016, 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Looks legit. I don't see any red flags. There are added string mute holes by the bridge but no biggy. I have never seen a rosewood board Oly White 70's lefty before. Its pretty cool.

$1400 + Shipping? I say "Get It"......

Author:  rdavidson [ April 20th, 2016, 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

I'd get it. Looks like that last photo shows pots starting with "813..." I can't really tell, but if that's right, it's an 81 with a 78 neck serial number, which is not uncommon at all and has been discussed elsewhere in these forums. Certainly not a red flag at all.

Author:  Moses [ April 20th, 2016, 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Thanks so much you guys, it is really really helpful to hear positive news from people knowledgeable about vintage fender. I have been playing for a long time but this is going to be my first really MAJOR purchase, and don't feel like I know myself enough to determine when it's safe to buy online.

Author:  rdavidson [ April 20th, 2016, 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Not to toss a wet blanket on this, but (as you know) there's always a risk when buying sight unseen with no return option. The instrument might check out ok, but what if it just doesn't feel right for you? What if there's something unexpected once you get it, e.g., can't adjust the action cause of issues with the truss rod. I'm not trying to be a downer, but I too hesitate greatly on buying instruments online if there's no option to return. You just never know. That said, I'm going to end this post by sending good karma your way. Fingers crossed for ya!

Author:  Moses [ April 21st, 2016, 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Totally. To clarify, I think I know enough about basses in general to get a good feel for a seller, and get a good idea of it's condition. Specifically though I wanted to make sure the ID on the bass was correct since vintage fender isn't my exact area of expertise. The seller seems very forthcoming, he's has gone ahead and taken very good photos of everything I asked him for; I realized I had forgotten to ask for one of the neck-body join, he got back to me pretty quickly with a bunch of very nice, informative pics. He claims the truss rod is working and fine and, given the great pictures of the condition of the rest of the bass, it seems reasonable to trust him on that. There's certainly no damage visible to the exposed end. It's always nerve wracking to buy a bass sight unseen, especially given that there was some not-insignificant inconsistency in the manufacturing back then, but you're not left with many options as a lefty in search of vintage.

Author:  rdavidson [ April 21st, 2016, 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Definitely let us know what happens - that color/wood combo is on my wish list!!!!

Author:  Moses [ May 4th, 2016, 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

I just put in my first real practice session with her. It was supposed to be delivered Sat, but I missed the signature-required delivery twice and finally got it today. She's beautiful, just like in the pictures, great amount of light wear if you're into the roadworn look, which I am. Unfortunately I hate the strings that are on it (tapewounds) and don't have time to change them yet, but it has a great sound nonetheless. Action is lower than I'm used to, but you have to take the neck off to get at the truss rod so I'm too lazy to go through that tonight. I can't tell if there's a low fret or two on one string or I'm just pressing too hard, but it's playing better and better the more time I spend with it. Hopefully the truss rod works when I get at it, but it might not really need adjustment now.

Author:  crescenze [ May 4th, 2016, 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

You shouldn't need to adjust the truss rod if you only want higher action. Unless the neck is too flat or has a back bow ,try raising the saddles first. Much easier. If that doesn't work you can always try the truss rod.

Author:  pjmuck [ May 5th, 2016, 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Moses wrote:
I just put in my first real practice session with her. It was supposed to be delivered Sat, but I missed the signature-required delivery twice and finally got it today. She's beautiful, just like in the pictures, great amount of light wear if you're into the roadworn look, which I am. Unfortunately I hate the strings that are on it (tapewounds) and don't have time to change them yet, but it has a great sound nonetheless. Action is lower than I'm used to, but you have to take the neck off to get at the truss rod so I'm too lazy to go through that tonight. I can't tell if there's a low fret or two on one string or I'm just pressing too hard, but it's playing better and better the more time I spend with it. Hopefully the truss rod works when I get at it, but it might not really need adjustment now.

Maybe you already know this, but take a straight edge ruler and put in on edge across the frets. (parallel to fretboard). That should give you a reasonable estimate of how much relief is in the neck. As stated above, if relief is fine then adjust saddle height accordingly, but if not, you might need to adjust the truss rod. See article:

http://www.strungmagazine.com/how-to-lo ... truss-rod/

Author:  Moses [ May 5th, 2016, 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

I've been doing my own setups since I started playing almost fifteen years ago. Is there anything special I need to worry about on an old bass line this, other than don't move it too much all at once? Just from playing experience I can tell it's almost flat with just a little bow to it. It's very good but having it this low is requiring a little too delicate of a touch for me.

Author:  crescenze [ May 5th, 2016, 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone from or near Charlottesville, VA?

Moses wrote:
I've been doing my own setups since I started playing almost fifteen years ago. Is there anything special I need to worry about on an old bass line this, other than don't move it too much all at once? Just from playing experience I can tell it's almost flat with just a little bow to it. It's very good but having it this low is requiring a little too delicate of a touch for me.

Sounds like the neck adjustment is fine. Just adjust the the saddles to a height that is to your taste. You can do each adjustment screw 1/4 to 1/2 turn at a time. Easy to reverse. Check the intonation after you get it to where you like it,depending on how high you raise the saddles it may affect it.

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