It's a right-handed bass. The seller is just being selfish.
I really wish eBay had some kind of quality control on that. The problem is that the seller can select both left-handed and right-handed, instead of having to select only one or the other. Although I suppose such a thing "could" exist, I have never seen a completely ambidextrous bass (the only thing even close I have seen is the Steinberger Spirits, since it's easy to flip the strings around, and there are strap buttons on both wings. But, even then, the knobs would be in the way). 80% of the "left-handed" basses listed are actually right handed. If it's a stock photo and both lefty and righty are available in the depicted color, then that would be okay. Other than that, it's just pretentious and obnoxious, and makes us filter through the results.
I always thought it would be funny to select "buy it now" for a really expensive bass that the seller has listed as left-handed but is actually right-handed, and say, "I'd like the left handed model, please." Then, when the seller responds and says, "the one shown is the only one I have," reply, "oh, sorry." And the seller has to eat the fees. Anyway, that's just me being spiteful. I've never actually done that

Gilmourisgod wrote:
I never really "got" what a Rick is capable of until I ran it stereo a few times in my college band. We used to call it the "Piano of Doom". You get all the bottom and all the top in total a**kicking mode.