
Carvin (you be the judge on this one)
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Author:  jersey bluesdude [ September 30th, 2014, 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Carvin (you be the judge on this one)

http://www.ebay.com/itm/2014-CUSTOM-CAR ... 3ce93aa045

Author:  Matt R. [ September 30th, 2014, 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin (you be the judge on this one)

Yuck. It's a Carvin. And it has bad hipster sailor tattoos.

Author:  Sec-Def [ September 30th, 2014, 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin (you be the judge on this one)

I wonder if he used rub-on tattos you get from candy.

Author:  LefThanDed [ September 30th, 2014, 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin (you be the judge on this one)

"I will include the strap that is set up for the locks"

Hope the strap is as equally impressive as the guitar AND case!

Author:  Jeroen [ September 30th, 2014, 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin (you be the judge on this one)

Luckily it's a B40, so you could always just order a new body in any colour you like and transfer all the parts. If only it wasn't already the most expensive B40 I have ever seen.

Author:  fivebass52 [ September 30th, 2014, 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin (you be the judge on this one)

I hope he's posting this on eBay/Japan.... Hai!

Author:  screambasses [ October 1st, 2014, 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin (you be the judge on this one)

"I will include the strap that is set up for the locks"

Such a passive sentence... <g>


Author:  Jim_k [ October 1st, 2014, 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin (you be the judge on this one)

Just no, is all I can say.

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