Wow, someone could wind up with a beautiful bass for a steal! After playing my ATK305 for the past year, I decided to give my SB5000 (bought from darkkent awhile back) another shot, and have to say it sounds great, and plays well. I tweaked the truss-rod, and still need to lower the action a bit more, but the EQ is very adaptable, and after last night's gig, the guitar player complimented me on the tone. Seems the last bass player in the band played with a very muddy sound, and the SB5000 sounds full and rich, and can be EQ'd very easily to cut through the mix. The only critiques I have at this point would be:
#1) this bass is heavy! I remember weighing it when I first got it, and I believe it was right around 11-11.5 lbs. After a set or two, I pick it up with my left hand between songs to take the weight off my right shoulder. I believe subsequent builds have come down in weight- As I recall, they went to a chambered body to knock lbs off ithe SB's. I am used to the weight though, as the ATK305 weighs about the same...
#2) The nut is too high... there's too much space between the strings and the first fret area, so I think the easiest solution is to take the nut off, and sand it down. the strings are currently about two credit-card thicknesses off the fretboard, and I want it down to one, maybe a tad thicker. Suggestions as how to proceed, and clearance I should shoot for?
This bass is Definitely worth bidding on, though I won't, as I have too many, and prefer five-strings.... but I'm tempted...