
Ibanez Roadster Practically given away on eBay
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Author:  leftybassatl [ October 6th, 2008, 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Ibanez Roadster Practically given away on eBay

These are supposed to be great. For $150 BIN you almost can't go wrong.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 0277044954

Author:  Rodent [ October 6th, 2008, 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ibanez Roadster Practically given away on eBay

I bought one of these in semi-transparent Walnut brown new in 1982, and it was my first ever brand new bass. I don't recall a Leo Quan bridge or EMG pickups being stock, but that was over 25 years ago that I last touched this bass

the bass I had sounded great with Rotos and was physically balanced reasonably well ... but that neck was pretty chunky compared to all of the other basses I owned at the time. I seem to recall it was heavier than my Rickies

this one looks like somebody pulled the frets out, unless that it one really bad image looking down the side of the neck. seems kind of odd that the seller would forget to make not of this. it would be good to get it in writing that the trussrod is fully functional, since it would be a spendy repair to get taken care of

all the best,


Author:  danomite64 [ October 6th, 2008, 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ibanez Roadster Practically given away on eBay

The pickups and bridge are definitely replaced, the preamp probably is too, and the frets were removed. I don't think they even offered a lefty fretless back then (or ever), but if they had, it wouldn't have fret lines. Still, if I had seen it first,I'd have gotten it.

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