
86 White MIJ Jazz Bass
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Author:  velalv [ November 27th, 2012, 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  86 White MIJ Jazz Bass

http://www.ebay.com/itm/1986-VINTAGE-LE ... 19d6fc962e

I got to play this one a couple of months ago when I was last in Chicago. In fact, I played it two years ago. I was between getting this bass, and the American Jazz Deluxe. I could not justify having both around though, and ended up getting the Jazz Deluxe. I thought it was a bit heavy compared to the deluxe, but it was in good shape, and sounded really good. It was a tough choice for me to make, but I happily will answer questions anyone has about this. Also, if you are interested in this bass, I would call Tommy at Tommy's Guitars and just negotiate with him over the phone, as he was willing to come down a bit from the price on the auction.

Author:  belinmad [ November 28th, 2012, 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 86 White MIJ Jazz Bass

Looks just like mine!!! (save for the fralins, ultralites and audere preamp)

Author:  Stingray5 [ November 28th, 2012, 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 86 White MIJ Jazz Bass

I have 2 of these - great bass!

Author:  velalv [ December 3rd, 2012, 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 86 White MIJ Jazz Bass

Oops, you are right belinmad. Sorry about posting the competing post! Just wanted to report on something I had first hand experience with. I feel very lucky that I get to travel around the US, and occasionally internationally, and can take a quick detour occasionally to look at instruments in different shops and want to report back, like I did when I went to Southpaw. Hopefully it's a helpful contribution. I don't bother posting the cruddy ones.

If your bass were available when I was looking a few years back definitely would have bought it, as it is quite nice. How did it compare tonally to the jazz deluxe you just sold?

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