
Hmmmm... 3 Warrior lefties on ebay simultaneously
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Author:  markcv [ May 11th, 2011, 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Hmmmm... 3 Warrior lefties on ebay simultaneously

What are the odds?

Here's a 6 string.
http://cgi.ebay.com/Custom-Warrior-6-st ... 720wt_1141

Gravesbass has his 5 with the spalted maple top on the bay.
http://cgi.ebay.com/Warrior-Custom-JDra ... 711wt_1141

And Thumbslam has his quilt maple top 5 on the bay as well.
http://cgi.ebay.com/WARRIOR-CUSTOM-SIGN ... 321wt_1141

Oddly enough there is only one right handed Warrior on ebay right now.

Author:  blankrider [ May 11th, 2011, 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hmmmm... 3 Warrior lefties on ebay simultaneously

My favorite looking basses which I won't be able to afford for another 8 years :| 'tis a shame.

Author:  gravesbass [ May 11th, 2011, 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hmmmm... 3 Warrior lefties on ebay simultaneously

Yea, I was writing my listing and submitted..... then saw that 6 string. I think JD at Warrior is moving it. It's an older used one. If mine dont sell, I wont be too hurt. I put her up for a VERY reasonable price considering i am gonna lose my ass. :shock:

Author:  thumbslam [ May 11th, 2011, 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hmmmm... 3 Warrior lefties on ebay simultaneously

Selling mine because I just bought a Warwick Thumb NT5, G&L L2500 fretless and I have another Warrior I'm keeping. Truly amazing instruments they are and these are all the oiled finishes which are my favorite.

I read on Talkbass sometimes lefty guys complaining there are no good lefty choices out there. I think they are crazy! Just on eBay at this moment there are plenty of really well priced amazing instruments from good reputable sellers. I think they just don’t have any money maybe :( . That being said there are even some nice Japanese Ibanez basses priced really low too. Good time to be a lefty with some loot.

Author:  Addison [ May 12th, 2011, 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hmmmm... 3 Warrior lefties on ebay simultaneously

thumbslam wrote:
I read on Talkbass sometimes lefty guys complaining there are no good lefty choices out there. I think they are crazy!

When you're talking about brand new with a warranty in the $1000ish-$2000ish range, there really isn't much of anything... I think that's the biggest gap with lefties. There's plenty of lower priced import basses, and when you get to the $3000 and up booteek basses, you can pick just about anything. But, in the mid-price range, choices are VERY limited.

In the $1000ish-$2000ish range there are Stingray 4's and 5's and G&L 4's and 5's (the most options available), Fender American standards 4's only (pretty much ZERO options), Spector 4 and 5's (5's have 35" scale and both have rosewood boards only) and a few bolt on Warwicks like the Corvette...

Is there anything else?

When you look at everything else that's available out there, that's not very much... and that price range is what most gigging bass players can afford to "splurge" on, so I can understand the frustration.

Author:  blankrider [ May 13th, 2011, 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hmmmm... 3 Warrior lefties on ebay simultaneously

Counteroffered on the 6 string for 2,000....not too bad.

S> Carvin Fretless and soul :P

Author:  gravesbass [ May 20th, 2011, 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hmmmm... 3 Warrior lefties on ebay simultaneously

Mines pulled from the bay.... I cant sell this...... Its a work of art.

Author:  blankrider [ May 20th, 2011, 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hmmmm... 3 Warrior lefties on ebay simultaneously

Sure you don't want to sell it for my soul?

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