
Sadowsky NYC
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Author:  johntheleftybassist [ January 19th, 2011, 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Sadowsky NYC

http://www.sadowsky.com/stock/view/5472.html . Anyone looking for a nice Sadowsky this might be for you.I didn't email Roger for the price but it's pretty nice.

Author:  Lefty007 [ January 19th, 2011, 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

Yep, that's been there for a few months. The price is $4575. I had two of those (no figured tops, though). I got a used for $2600 (8 years ago), and a new one from Sadowsky (customer return, discounted deeply) at $3000. I wish I had never sold them, although the 5-24 pickup configuration never won me over 100%.

But what a sound overall. The definition and punch are unmatchable by anything I have ever played, and the quality and "feel" were just amazing. But I sold them purely on G.A.S. and always wanting to try something else.


Author:  NoXX [ January 19th, 2011, 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

Wow ... :shock: ... totally awesome..... Goes into a bass coma..

Author:  Lefty007 [ January 19th, 2011, 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

Totally showing off, but these are the two I used to own. . .



Author:  thumbslam [ January 19th, 2011, 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

Hey there Lefty007, are they EMG pups in those basses? What did you use on the black as a protective clear adhesive around the top of the pickups and below the G?

Author:  slybass3000 [ January 20th, 2011, 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

thumbslam wrote:
Hey there Lefty007, are they EMG pups in those basses? What did you use on the black as a protective clear adhesive around the top of the pickups and below the G?

But why did you sell them?

What you didn't like about them?

i,m curious because I've got the G.A.S now for a Sadowsky even if they are 34". I much prefer 35" but would give a shot at this one.

Author:  Lefty007 [ January 20th, 2011, 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

New Sadowsky basses come with those protective films. Because they have a trial period, they want to keep the basses as pristine as possible. I only had that bass for about a month, so I never removed the film. I had the red one for about a year.

The pickups are Sadowsky soapbars, which are the same size as an EMG DCs, I think. Sadowsky used to use EMGs before they came up with their own, which -I think- are made by Seymour Duncan. Even though these are humbuckers, they are as clear as any single I've heard, but thicker-sounding, or course.

I sold them because I suffer from accute G.A.S. I buy and sell basses uncontrollably. :D I fall in love with a bass one day, and swear I will keep it for life, until the next I wake up wanting something different. (And I'm sure many of you are in the same boat... :roll: ) That's the main reason why I let the Sadowskys go. You know, kinda like when you break up with a girl: ". . . honey, there is nothing wrong with you, it's all me . . . "

But among other reasons, I prefer Jazz-bass-type pickup locations. I didn't really dig the closer-to-the-bridge pickup location. It sounded too polite, too "smooth-jazz," too clean. (In my head, my point of reference or "my sound" always is a passive Jazz Bass.) Although, the sound was huge, full, clear, punchy. . . which are trademarks of Sadowsky. Besides my preference for Jazz Basses, the 5-24s truly are one of the best-sounding basses I've had, along with my former MTD 535. What makes me realize all this is that I have recordings I made with the 5-24s, and darn, they sound so good.

Lastly, at the time, I didn't like the wide string spacing - but I go back and forth on this, too. Sometimes I like wide spacing on 5-strings, and sometimes I like narrow.

I would have a hard time buying a Sadowsky new. There are so many basses out there that can be had for so much less and offer almost or the same quality (Valenti, Lull, for example). But I can't deny that Sadowsky have something special that I miss. The bodies are resonant, light, the fretwork is as smooth as it gets, the electronics top notch. You can really tell these people take their time putting these things together. I know there is the controversy of "are Sadowskys worth the price"? I would say, if you have the money, yes.

BTW, I wonder if Sadowsky would consider bringing the price down on that bass in stock right now. The black one I got was originally priced at $4025, but because it sat there for a few months, they lowered the price to $3000, and that's also why I jumped on it. If anybody is interested, it woudn't hurt to ask them if they would consider discounting. . . ;)

Author:  slybass3000 [ January 20th, 2011, 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

Thank you for all these useful infos

Author:  Addison [ January 20th, 2011, 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

If that bass had a natural finish, or something a little less "vintage," it probably would have been mine.

Sounds petty, I know... but, for some reason the tobacco burst on that bass looks odd with the ebony board and heavy quilt top. It's such a modern looking instrument, the '59 burst looks odd to me. Oh well.

Anyway, the first time I saw that bass and requested a price on it was 2/6/10... so, it's been there for almost a year. I'd say that Sadowsky might definitely be willing to bargain on it.

Author:  bbl [ January 20th, 2011, 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

Addison wrote:
If that bass had a natural finish, or something a little less "vintage," it probably would have been mine.

Sounds petty, I know...

Petty? Not when you're throwing down $4K on your bass, it's not. :shock: :D

Author:  gravesbass [ January 25th, 2011, 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

That black 5 string above was originally custom ordered by me. I ordered directly from Roger years ago. It was light at around 8-8.5LBs from what I remember (I never weighed it). Had 48 hours and I returned it to Roger and Carlos got it at a great price. Good bass but not all that for the price range. I would prefer a Sadowsky 5 string Jazz bass with 70's Pup spacing.. :D .. and I also had GAS and bought / sold everything. Some I wish i would have kept..!!! :evil:

Author:  slybass3000 [ January 25th, 2011, 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

gravesbass wrote:
That black 5 string above was originally custom ordered by me. I ordered directly from Roger years ago. It was light at around 8-8.5LBs from what I remember (I never weighed it). Had 48 hours and I returned it to Roger and Carlos got it at a great price. Good bass but not all that for the price range. I would prefer a Sadowsky 5 string Jazz bass with 70's Pup spacing.. :D .. and I also had GAS and bought / sold everything. Some I wish i would have kept..!!! :evil:


Like this one? or not?

Author:  Musicfreak1988 [ January 25th, 2011, 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

Well Gravesbass... There's always this: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2309 ;)

Author:  gravesbass [ January 25th, 2011, 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

@musicfreak1988..... That's a very nice bass my friend but I am GAS-Less these days and pretty happy with what I currently own. I will be possibly listing a custom 1 of 2 Warwick Streamer tho. It's a collector from 2010 but it ain't gonna be cheap. :o

Author:  Addison [ January 26th, 2011, 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sadowsky NYC

So who's buying the Sadowsky?


I just noticed that it's current status is "Sale Pending."

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