
Brice Les Paul Bass
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Author:  pjmuck [ May 10th, 2008, 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Brice Les Paul Bass

I know we talked about this one before, but I'm wondering if anyone's taken the plunge on a purchase yet or tried one out. I'd love to hear a review. The 11lb weight is a bit of a put off, but i suppose it's no different than any other Les Paul.


Author:  andrew [ May 12th, 2008, 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brice Les Paul Bass

Those look really cool, too bad they aren't 34" scale.

Author:  pjmuck [ May 13th, 2008, 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brice Les Paul Bass

Are the real Les Paul basses 34"? I'm thinking if it were the neck would take a quick dive to the floor.

Author:  andrew [ May 13th, 2008, 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brice Les Paul Bass

I believe the 70's Les Paul styled basses were 30" scale (the Studio bass I think they were called),
but the Les Paul bass Gibson made all through the 90's and most of 2000's was a 34" scale bass. I think they compensated for neck dive by making most of them disgustingly heavy bodied. :D

Author:  Lefty007 [ May 13th, 2008, 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brice Les Paul Bass

I gave up on Rondo Music. I have tried to buy basses from them over the years, but at the end of the day they are all crap. :(

By the time you set them up and upgrade, you are better off buying a Mexican Fender, or an Ibanez or Yamaha, for example.

I'm still baffled by the good reviews these instruments receive.

Author:  pjmuck [ May 13th, 2008, 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brice Les Paul Bass

There's a whole slew of people over at Talkbass who've devoted a few threads to their love of SX basses, and I'd always heard they were great bang for the buck. I bought an SX Les Paul guitar a few years ago, however, and I agree it's crap. But it was only $99, LOL.

Author:  AustinLeftyBass [ May 13th, 2008, 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brice Les Paul Bass

In the 80s I had a Les Paul Triumph Bass, lots of knobs and switches, and short-scale.
I wanted one of those white LP basses from Rondo but I got a cheapo Davison LP-shaped hollowbody that i'm diggin' so I'll probably pass one the Brice.

I've bought 5 cheapo basses from Rondo with zero problems, just takes a little time/effort to set 'em up to my liking. Kinda like when I buy a new Rickenbacker,Fender,Ibanez,etc.

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