
76 P-bass on the bay
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Author:  AzWhoFan [ March 5th, 2010, 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  76 P-bass on the bay

Nicely beat up and would make a good project for someone with that BIN of $850. don't think this will last long, better jump on it if u want it.


Author:  fivebass52 [ March 5th, 2010, 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 76 P-bass on the bay

$850 isn't bad until you add the shipping cost of $114. :shock: We all know shipping everyday shipping costs for UPS Ground are anywhere from $25 to $40 in most cases. I seriously wonder at time what sellers are thinking, or where they come up with these shipping prices.

Shipping prices is the second thing I look at, even before the description, because being in Hawaii, that can make or break my decision to to buy an item I'm interested in. I am also able in most cases able to convince a seller to ship to Hawaii, even though the they say Con-US only, after I show them that the additional amount is usually only about $10 to $20 more.

I once had a heated discussion with Kurt from Rondo that his shipping calculator was charging way too much to Hawaii, and that I couldn't justify buying from his website because of it. Since then they've changed it, and the SX fiver I just bought for $99, and a set of strings, are being shipped for about $54, which is OK with me.

I also just bought an Omni 10.5 BFM cab through Talkbass that's coming from Connecticut. Through USPS it's only $38 for a 27lb cab, plus whatever the seller put it in. I sometimes think sellers still consider Hawaii a foreign country when factoring in shipping costs! But I can usually persuade them to ship here when I show them it doesn't amount to much more than $20 extra on average, and I'm willing to pay for it anyway.

Author:  AzWhoFan [ March 5th, 2010, 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 76 P-bass on the bay

It's gone! Sold for the BIN of $850.

Ya gotta love that ebay shipping calculator. I think it's designed to rip you off if you live in Ak, HI or Pr. It quoted a cost of $35 to get it to me in Arizona.

Author:  leftybassatl [ March 5th, 2010, 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 76 P-bass on the bay

DAMN. Hate that I missed that one. One of these days I'll get my hands on a 76... :(

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