
Lakland 5 string $1500
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Author:  paulo [ April 19th, 2024, 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Lakland 5 string $1500

https://www.facebook.com/share/smhbpyQz ... tid=79PoIi

Author:  fivebass52 [ May 2nd, 2024, 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lakland 5 string $1500

The first time I ever heard a Lakland was at at a Schofield Army Barracks, in Hawaii, on Oahu, 4th of July Celebration, in 2000, that featured Eddie Money opening, Joe Walsh, then the Doobie Brothers as the headliner... I was picnic-ing on the lawn, about two hundred feet from the stage when the Doobies hit the stage... I remember how effing fantastic the bass sounded, so I made my way to the stage, and saw that the bass player was playing a Lakland. I wish I could remember whether it was Cornelius, but it was definitely an African American. the bass was SO full, and SO lush, I stood there until I was able to read the name on the headstock - Lakland! I went home, hit the internet on my inherited, from my Dad's, Tandy computer, eventually found the Lakland website (at 56 baud speeds...). Whoa!- the prices for Laklands at that time were in the $3500 range... WAY too rich for my pocket book at that time... Always wanted one though, but, at this point in my career, I now have all the cool-sounding basses I need (I have 48 basses now!), so buying this Lakland, or any other for that matter is behind me... as far as I know, this is a great price... but, y'all no better than me...

Author:  Marc40a [ May 8th, 2024, 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lakland 5 string $1500

I just got my first 55-94 a couple weeks ago. It's an interesting instrument, for sure.

This one looks close to be an impossible deal to close. I think you'd have to be local to get it done. It also looks like there's a layer of funk all over it - not the good funk. Almost looks like hairspray or something.

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