
1987 Jerry Drozd Kubicki Style Factor Bass
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Author:  pjmuck [ November 17th, 2023, 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  1987 Jerry Drozd Kubicki Style Factor Bass

I count exactly 1 lefty Kubicki Factor bass ever made. While this is not an actual Kubicki bass, Jerry Drozd is no bass slouch either. it's too bad he couldn't find a way to replicate the Xtended E string and detuning lever, but this certainly looks the part anyway. Very cool! Here's the English translation:

"Bass Jerzy drozd in perfect condition. One of the first pieces by maestro Jerzy, kubiki x factor type. Very comfortable to play and excellent sound"

https://reverb.com/item/76005503-jerzy- ... i-x-factor

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