Well I couldn't resist, and ordered one in Olympic white from Sweetwater.

(They have the Olympic white and Belair Blue in stock). Will give a follow up report once it's here. The points that hit the mark for me, at least on paper, are the active preamp, noiseless pickups, and (maybe) the 12" radius. I had my eye on a Sire P7 initially, which is cheaper and would probably be more versatile bass than this one...but it isn't a Fender.
I'm on record as stating that I generally do not like PJ setups, especially when both are blended and slapped, but with a 3 band EQ and a gradual blend of pickups, it sounds like you might be able to really get more out of that J PUP than usual. The blended PUP demos I've heard on this bass online don't seem to exhibit that honky, thin tone I usually associate with a PJ combo. I can live with a lack of a tone knob (I think), as I see myself almost always using it active live. But we'll see.