So, simply because it's a '76, and has a few mods ( that most purists would abhor...), this bass is worth $4995?! Hardly... My first bass was a '74 P-bass, with Sunburst finish... bought it in San Francisco in '76... right in the middle of the decline of Fender, when they were owned by CBS... by virtue of the fact that they are now almost fifty years old, that seems to add a "vintage" nature to them... my '74, had a severe neck dive issue, was heavy, and had anemic pickups. Although I'd like to have it back at this point, simply because it was my first bass, and know has a re-sellable value, I traded it straight across back in '93-'94 for an Ibanez SR800, which I thought was cool because the neck was super-slender, it had an active EQ, was neck-through, and was painted jet-black...
$4995?... I don't think so...
_________________ R&B Stretch Bass, Walter Woods 1000w Green-Light Stereo Amp, AccuGroove El Whappo and TR112, assorted axes, amps, cabs...