
Cool Alembic Epic, 1996, $2921, London
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Author:  NoXX [ September 30th, 2021, 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Cool Alembic Epic, 1996, $2921, London

https://reverb.com/item/45028594-alembi ... t=45028594

Looks very cool. Description looks like it was cut and pasted. It claims to have 24 frets, but to me it looks like a lined fretless? I could be wrong…..

Author:  NoXX [ September 30th, 2021, 4:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool Alembic Epic, 1996, $2921, London

…. And it’s a 5 string…

Author:  Piers_Williamson [ December 29th, 2021, 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool Alembic Epic, 1996, $2921, London

And I am the seller (excuse me, I've only just discovered this forum). It's a five string lined fretless Epic. I've owned it for about 10 years. I'm selling it because I've just bought the holy grail of fretless players....a 1982 Wal, and I can't justify two fretless basses

Author:  NoXX [ December 29th, 2021, 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool Alembic Epic, 1996, $2921, London

Piers_Williamson wrote:
And I am the seller (excuse me, I've only just discovered this forum). It's a five string lined fretless Epic. I've owned it for about 10 years. I'm selling it because I've just bought the holy grail of fretless players....a 1982 Wal, and I can't justify two fretless basses

Welcome Piers, and thanks for the clarification. Good luck with the sale!

Author:  fivebass52 [ December 29th, 2021, 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool Alembic Epic, 1996, $2921, London

Piers_Williamson wrote:
And I am the seller (excuse me, I've only just discovered this forum). It's a five string lined fretless Epic. I've owned it for about 10 years. I'm selling it because I've just bought the holy grail of fretless players....a 1982 Wal, and I can't justify two fretless basses

Was going to say no mention that sure looks like a fretless... thanks for the clarification... a beautiful bass.. GLWTS...

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