
Ric 4003S with Dot Inlays, No Binding at Sweetwater
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Author:  bobjones2260 [ January 17th, 2021, 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Ric 4003S with Dot Inlays, No Binding at Sweetwater



Author:  ch willie [ January 17th, 2021, 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ric 4003S with Dot Inlays, No Binding at Sweetwater

How dare you, just when I made a blood pact with the head priest of Apollo never to buy another bass with which to destroy the art of music....

Author:  lsimy [ January 17th, 2021, 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ric 4003S with Dot Inlays, No Binding at Sweetwater

Interesting to see the return of those ! I had an "S" that I bought used in the early 90's for a whopping $350 and sold it for about the same. It was well, interesting. There is something about the non-"S" with the bindings that feels different than the "S". I always found the "S" to be a bit cumbersome especially where the joint was at the head. I could never get the action right either and the dot inlays just felt a bit like a 4001 junior. Maybe they were meant to be. I wish knew more about them. ACK, no toaster pickup either ! I suppose the stock could be replaced for one.

Author:  Jeroen [ January 18th, 2021, 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ric 4003S with Dot Inlays, No Binding at Sweetwater

I have owned a regular 4003 (bought one new from the UK in 2009 when the British Pound was at a record low) but if I ever buy a Rickenbacker again it's going to be a 4003S. The rounded edges look so much more comfortable than my 4003 was, and I actually much prefer the plain look :). My 4003 was probably the second-least ergonomic bass I've ever owned, only surpassed by the Italia Torino semi-hollowbody I owned (big, wide body with sharp edges. Round back which made it want to dive forward on a strap. Not towards the headstock, but away from me).

I'm also really loving the new Rickenbacker bridge! Adjustability looks great, and it looks very solid. The tailpiece with the loose bridge that just rested on two small Allen bolts always felt wobbly to me, and would move around when I tuned my bass :|

Author:  ch willie [ January 18th, 2021, 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ric 4003S with Dot Inlays, No Binding at Sweetwater

In a world where I could justify having two Rics, I'd get one. I love my 4001 and get the exact sound I want out of it (horseshoe / toaster). But man I love those dot inlays and the unbound body. Sure, a bit of it is my Macca fervor, but I think the S models' understated design even adds a bit of class, dot inlays or no.

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